Stephen Somkuti, MD, PhD, is a senior physician with Sincera Reproductive Medicine. Learn more about Dr. Somkuti’s integration experience with Axia Women’s Health through the interview below.
Dr. Somkuti: Healthcare is rapidly evolving and mirroring other industries with consolidation. Our fertility practice saw other fertility groups joining larger networks where they could access resources to help them be more competitive in this landscape. We looked at other networks, but were never truly interested until Axia Women’s Health approached us. As a sub-specialty group, Axia offered the best of both worlds to us – a community of OB/GYN colleagues to grow our referral base, along with a large, viable entity to help ensure long-term stability.
Dr. Somkuti: Integration is an ongoing process, but things have gone smoothly since joining nearly a year ago. The Axia team is business savvy and understands operations well. They pulled together a detailed plan to help us transition our Patient Management System and to get staff and clinicians trained on that system. The transition in our billing department was seamless as well, which is important.
Dr. Somkuti: I think we are well on our way toward accomplishing what we set out to accomplish, and our experience with Axia will only continue to improve. One of the key benefits to joining Axia is that we’re still operating very similarly to before the integration. I’m pleased that we’ve been able to function without disruption to patient care, but still benefit from aspects like new technology and negotiating power with payors and malpractice insurance providers. I’m confident we made the right choice in partnering with Axia Women’s Health.
To learn more about integration opportunities with Axia Women’s Health, click here.