Cord Blood & Cord Tissue Banking
Preserving your baby’s newborn stem cells is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that may potentially protect your family’s future health. Your baby’s umbilical cord is made up of tissue and contains blood. Both cord blood and cord tissue are rich sources of powerful stem cells being researched for their ability to act like our body’s own personal repair kit and may be able to help our bodies heal. Plus, cord blood stem cells are currently used in transplant medicine to regenerate healthy blood and immune systems. The collection process is simple and safe for both mom and baby. Given this, you may wish to consider banking your baby’s cord blood and cord tissue to have access to these stem cells in the future.
Axia Women’s Health is pleased to offer detailed educational information and discounted access to newborn stem cell preservation through our partnership with Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®). To learn more about your newborn stem cell preservation options, visit AXIA | CBR.
Join us for a free educational webinar hosted by our partners at CBR, or contact your care center for details.