Menopause Quiz

Menopause Quiz

More than 1 million women go through menopause every year in the United States. Despite how many of us going through it, menopause is often misunderstood and shrouded in secrecy. As a result, many women don’t feel comfortable speaking out about the symptoms they’re experiencing with friends, family, or doctors. We’re here to help spread knowledge and empower women to feel confident navigating the transition.

Test your knowledge of menopause by using the flashcards below, and see if you can ace the quiz by decoding fact from fiction.

Myth or Fact:
Menopause is something that happens in your 50s.
MYTH: There’s no definitive age in which you’ll enter or move through the phases of menopause. While the average age for menopause is 51, it’s possible to have it as early as your late 30s to your early 60s. It is considered early menopause if it happens before age 45, and premature if it happens before age 40.
Myth or Fact:
Menopause starts when your period stops.
MYTH: Menopause is a gradual event that occurs in stages and can last for several years. It’s not uncommon for your periods to start and stop as you transition through menopause. Other symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, or weight gain could also indicate you’re going through the transition. You’ll know you have reached menopause when you have not had your menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months. If you are experiencing symptoms that are affecting your quality of life, it’s important to consult with your Axia Women’s Health provider. You don’t have to wait to make an appointment until you have missed menstrual cycles. There is support available to help you through menopause!
Myth or Fact:
Menopause can affect not just your physical, but mental health.
FACT: Hot flashes and menopause are almost synonymous in today’s world. But, there are a host of other symptoms that are associated with the gradual decline in estrogen that women experience during menopause. In many cases, these symptoms can be tied to mental health. It’s not uncommon to experience irritability, mood swings, depression, anxiety, and brain fogginess with menopause. It’s important to know you’re not alone. If you need support, your Axia Women’s Health provider can connect you to a qualified mental health professional for convenient, confidential counseling. Your mental health matters!
Myth or Fact:
Menopause symptoms aren’t treatable. They’re just something women have to live with.
MYTH: Too often, women are meant to feel as though the symptoms of menopause are just a normal part of aging and there’s nothing we can do about it. The truth is you don’t need to suffer through the bothersome symptoms of menopause. From lifestyle modifications to medical treatments like hormone replacement therapy, there are a host of options to help you manage your symptoms and get back to feeling like yourself!


Menopause doesn’t have to be a mystery, nor does it have to mean you stop enjoying life. Through education and help from your Axia Women’s Health provider, you can both understand and prepare for the transition so you can continue to enjoy this next chapter of your life!

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