As the summer temperatures rise, so do the chances of dealing with certain below-the-belt health concerns—from ingrown hairs to bacterial infections. We’re offering advice on how to keep these concerns at bay so you can keep enjoying your fun in the sun this summer.
In an effort to achieve that perfectly smooth bikini line, you may be waxing or shaving more frequently, which can lead to ingrown hairs. Because the pubic hair is typically coarser and curlier, it has a greater chance of growing inwards and getting trapped beneath the skin, producing a painful red bump known as an ingrown hair.
A few tips for preventing ingrown hairs:
If you do develop an ingrown hair, you’ll want to avoid waxing or shaving until it heals to avoid any further irritation. Keep the area clean and use a warm washcloth to gently exfoliate the area each day. Don’t worry; ingrown hairs should naturally heal themselves over time. You’ll just want to stay patient and avoid trying to tweeze or pull the hair out, as this will only irritate it more!
It’s perfectly safe to hit the beach or the pool and go swimming during your period. In fact, engaging in light exercise like swimming may actually help ease cramps by helping to release endorphins, our body’s natural painkillers.
A tampon or menstrual cup is your best bet when it comes to feeling comfortable and confident while swimming during your period. Just don’t forget to stash a few extra tampons in your purse and make sure to change it within eight hours. Leaving a tampon in for too long can potentially lead to a rare, but serious infection known as toxic shock syndrome (TSS).
If you’re swimming in a pool, it’s also a good idea to take a shower after swimming to rinse off the chlorine, which could cause irritation down there.
The hot summer months can make things extra sweaty, creating the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that can cause different vaginal infections from UTIs, to yeast, to bacterial vaginosis. To practice good hygiene and prevent infections during swimsuit season:
With the right precautions and by following these tips, you can keep your vaginal health on track while soaking up those rays! If you do start to notice any persistent symptoms like burning, pain, or unusual discharge, and are unsure of the cause, it’s best to contact your Axia Women’s Health provider.